Visuelles Benehmen
»Visuelles Benehmen« is a lecture series on art, visual culture, politics and technology organized by Mareike Foecking, Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf and the art academy Düsseldorf in 2016. The talks of the series were driven by an interdisciplinary discourse between art, media theory and science. We designed a reduced identity for the series as well as a website and posters for every talk. The posters were based on a playful use of language and strong typography. For every event we searched for confusing verbal and typographic principles to support the idea of the specific talk. The website of the series was designed as an extension of the posters following the bold headlines and the confusing language on the posters.
Year: 2016
Location: Düsseldorf
Type: Poster, Website, Text
Status: Commissioned
Client: Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf, Mareike Foecking
Project Team: Alexander Mainusch, Sebastian Randerath
Coding: Alexander Mainusch